Directed by Bob Gallagher Cinematography Joseph Ingersoll Featuring: Sorcha Brennan, Fionn Foley, Rory Tinman, Brendan Conroy, Ste Murray, Morgan MacIntyre, Gemma Doherty Set and costume design by Molly O'Cathain Costume Assistants - Sorcha NĂ­ Fhloinn, Dada Vojtechova & Leda De Forge Cinematography by Joseph Ingersoll Lighting Design by Deirdre O'Toole Camera Assistant Harry Kelly Lighting Assistant Diarmuid Hayes Make Up design by Susan Kenny Make Up Assistants Katie Saurin & Leanne Byrne Edited by Allyn Quigley Graded by Richard O'Connor Thanks to Jason Foran and Teach Solais, Barbara Henkes and Filmbase, Warrior Films, The Hurley Family, All Out Design, Villa Lena Art Foundation, Historic Interiors and Paul Davis at Getty Images. Applause sign courtesy of Princess Productions, adapted under creative commons (